Film 2009: A weview of sorts

5. 2012
Wibble wobble wibble wibble end of the wibbly world. Wibbled wibblings. Wibble wobble "Is Wussian". Wibble wobble London Undergwound map. Wibble wobble utter destwuction. Wibble wobble Nick Griffin. Wibbtastic! 8/10

4. The Hurt Locker
Wibble wobble I-waq bomb squad. Wibble wibble wibble boom! Ministwy wibble a wibble or three. Wibbly. 8/10

3. Drag Me to Hell
Wibbing funny. "Hey kitty kitty", Stu, old woman, jumpy wibbs. Wibb wibby weview, false teeth and wibbs. 8/10

2. District 9
Wibb wibb focking wibb. Pwawns wibb South Afwica wibb wibby apartheid wobbly boom boom fock. WIbbing Nigerians, sad, but wibbly. 9/10

1. Inglourious Basterds
Wibble wobbly wobb Quentin Tarantino wibbles Nazi-killers and wobblings. Bwad Pitt wibble wobble hilarious, bang bang boom (wibble wibble). Wibb wobb wabb tense wibble and Oooh that's a bingo! Wibb! 10/10


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