5. 2012
Wibble wobble wibble wibble end of the wibbly world. Wibbled wibblings. Wibble wobble "Is Wussian". Wibble wobble London Undergwound map. Wibble wobble utter destwuction. Wibble wobble Nick Griffin. Wibbtastic! 8/10

4. The Hurt Locker
Wibble wobble I-waq bomb squad. Wibble wibble wibble boom! Ministwy wibble a wibble or three. Wibbly. 8/10

3. Drag Me to Hell
Wibbing funny. "Hey kitty kitty", Stu, old woman, jumpy wibbs. Wibb wibby weview, false teeth and wibbs. 8/10

2. District 9
Wibb wibb focking wibb. Pwawns wibb South Afwica wibb wibby apartheid wobbly boom boom fock. WIbbing Nigerians, sad, but wibbly. 9/10

1. Inglourious Basterds
Wibble wobbly wobb Quentin Tarantino wibbles Nazi-killers and wobblings. Bwad Pitt wibble wobble hilarious, bang bang boom (wibble wibble). Wibb wobb wabb tense wibble and Oooh that's a bingo! Wibb! 10/10

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